Monday, February 15, 2010

News from the other side of the globe

A couple of days ago we were contacted by a unigolf team from far far away. Today we mailed again back and forth.

Hey guys!!

I’m excited to accept your invite!!! Please forward the details on how to formally enter. And how do i find out about the "bring your own sponsor program"? We are currently in the process of working on an itinerary, and may need your help with getting around Germany, I assume we fly into to Munich? If so how do we get from there to the tournament?

University of Tasmania Golf Team

Hey guys,

great to hear from you! Well, with the SM being a private tournament after all we accept entries on a handshake-basis. This reduces workload for all of us and has worked fine in the past. If you are accepting the invite, do so, and we'll plan with your team.

We are still sitting exams until the end of the week and then probably need a couple of days to celebrate... long story short: we don’t have the 2010-entry forms updated yet. So you may either use the attached 2009-form or give us a couple of days to produce the new one. Basics (rules, costs, program...) won’t change. Either way, if you say you come, go ahead and make plans. We stick to our words.

Bring your own sponsor: Here's some info. You may also want to read through these ideas.
Yep, you'd fly into Munich, it's 70 km south of Ingolstadt. Normally you'd get full shuttle service starting on the SM-Thursday. I assume you will be arriving a tat earlier, so either we pick you up with our private cars, or you take the public transport with is as fast, very reliable (this is the punctuality and rules country), so very easy. Depending on when you arrive one of us could take your clubs at the airport and store them in Ingolstadt while you go end explore Munich. I am sure we will work something out.

There is a Facebook-group where you could start making some Aussie-noise. Let us get back to you in a bit with a name and an email-address of one of us, who will help you with all travel/tourism-related questions.


Guess we'll need to polish our strine. This would do for a start!

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